Contact Us

How to Contact Us

If you have any questions or comment about anything we do, please contact us by filling out the form below and we will get in touch with you shortly. Alternatively, you could give us a call.

Send Us a Message

Send Us a Message

Remember: The Beatles and The Stones were once Indie artists

If you are an artist looking for exposure, we would love to hear your stuff. We don't want to come across as music snobs but our musical tastes run from the baroque classical period to the music of today. We cannot guarantee you a slot on the program but are always looking for new tunes to listen to and love. We cannot give you any direction as to what to submit because depending on the mood we're in, we have the potential to like anything and everything.

The best way to get our attention is to fill out the form and send us a link to your music. If that seems too complicated, you can send the link to

Also, please interact with us on Facebook or Twitter. (preferably twitter. We don't check facebook very often) If we like what we hear, we will contact you to obtain the MP3 file so we can fold it into the rotation. If a link is not readily available, you can always send us the file directly. Again, no guarantees of anything but we like discovering new artists and new tunes to share. Also, we would appreciate a shout out on any of your social media and hope you will listen to the stations on occasion! If we do select a tune of yours for inclusion, we will make sure to let you know

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